Købstædernes Forsikring

Købstædernes Forsikring possessed large amounts of data from tracking visitors on the company's websites. However, the quality of the data was not high enough, and the implementation needed a review. Among other things, this meant that it was unclear where on the website visitors had submitted inquiries, and therefore it was not really certain what could be correctly inferred from the incoming data.

Therefore, it was decided to review and update the entire tracking solution on the website in order to improve data quality and create better reporting on the website's performance. In this context, IT Kartellet was involved.

KF Forsikring

Correct Tracking Provides Overview and Opportunity for Action

The website, like other websites, had been updated several times, affecting both the tracking and thus the data collected. “The correct tracking of data means that we can now draw useful analyses of visitors' behavior on the website. We can now see, for example, where in the purchase flow customers drop off, so we have the opportunity to optimize the flow. The same applies to the claims reporting process, for which we now also have useful data. This way, we can ensure a secure process and ensure that more use our self-service solutions. We can now also see if they get the information they are looking for, or if they leave the page without having their inquiry answered – and therefore instead contact customer service by phone. We want to optimize our website to make the customer journey as easy as possible. It is both cumbersome for the visitors and costly for us when they need to contact customer service,” says Louise Kjær Mansfeldt, Head of Market Development at Købstædernes Forsikring.


As an insurance company, Købstædernes Forsikring must comply with both the Financial Supervisory Authority's and the Danish Data Protection Agency's requirements for data security and GDPR compliance. “Among other reasons, we have chosen to use Piwik instead of the usual online data analysis solutions at an early stage. With Piwik, we have 100% ownership of the data. Piwik data can be stored on-premises or in a private cloud – our data is stored in the cloud on a server in the EU. We also know that data is not shared with third parties. Thus, we feel that there is one less thing to worry about in terms of data security. That IT Kartellet are experts in Piwik, but also have experience with the development of larger systems, are significant reasons why we have chosen to collaborate with them.”

Louise Kjær Mansfeldt, Head of Customer Insights and Customer Experience.

Want to know more?

“Fyn er fin” – Original from the beautiful island of Funen, Vincent is our sharp and charming data engineer. 

Vincent Olesen

Data Scientist

We've known for a long time that developers come with very different backgrounds and stories - which is one of the reasons we love our profession so much - there are always exciting stories over lunch.

Now we have found another jewel with a good and exciting story...

Michael Søegaard

Core Developer

Marathon man, teacher, CEO - perhaps it is easier to talk about the things, that Henrik can't do. One thing is for sure though: He is a 100% dedicated kartellist!

Henrik Thorn

Managing Director
+45 26 39 78 06